

Created by Certifiable Studios

The celebrated novella that inspired John Carpenter's landmark film THE THING is now a tabletop game! Now play as one of the original characters in this official tabletop adaptation - a suspenseful game of co-op, strategy and growing paranoia.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 12:09:33 AM

Just wanted to say thank you, again, for an amazing run! 

This may explain why we don't have more of you signed up to get updates from us, but just in case you have a lapse in judgment! 


Until next time!

Rick and the Certifiable team 

over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 11:58:42 PM

Well, I told Jesse that if we break $600K, I demand I get my way! What does that mean? It means you get your way!!!  Way to go!


And don't forget to subscribe! Only a Thing wouldn't!


No doubt in my mind, we have the best backers in the universe! 


-Rick and the Certifiable team


over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 12:15:07 AM

I can honestly say we are blown away by how this campaign has shaped up this past week. It's because of the Sugar Ponies, isn't it?

With just over 20 hours to go in the campaign, we would LIKE to think you will miss us when it's over. It's been a super fast 30 days for us, but we have lots more to be excited about. If you aren't following us on Kickstarter, please do. If you aren't following us on Facebook, please do. And if you'd like to stay up to date with what we have going on and maybe get some fun surprises along the way, please subscribe to stay in the know.

But don't worry. No pressure.  We just may or may not send the games to the backers subscribing first. What am I saying? We'll definitely send it to our subscribers first. 

Now, where exactly is that cancel project button located?

-Rick and the Certifiable team

Wait! If you missed our live playthrough on Twitch, you can always watch it now.


over 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 12:27:24 AM

What a great day Sunday turned out to be!  Of course, I'm sure my excitement must be quite low compared to our backers, now that all this goodness is coming to be, right? You just unlocked another ANTI-SUGAR GOAT! And we still have another day and a half to go! Once again, you MUST watch to the end! Think you CAN?



Join us for one last playthrough of WHO GOES THERE? on TWITCH!


Will we be lucky enough to unlock more Anti-Sugar Goats?  One can only hope! And by one, I'm talking about me. Because nobody else at Certifiable seems to want this.  I wonder why?

- Rick and the closet Sugar Ponies fans known as the Certifiable team

over 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 10:47:07 PM

You just unlocked your very first ANTI-SUGAR GOAT!!!
For Rick's sake, watch this until the end (or just skip right to it)! Not watching it over and over and over and over is something the Thing would do! 


Now help me prove Jesse wrong by giving this a bunch of likes! 
Much more anti-SUGAR to come, I hope!  

-Rick and the extremely distraught Certifiable team